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Join us for a Lunch & Learn with Karen Wivell from PTAC (Ohio University Procurement Technical Assistance Center). Ms. Wivell will lead a discussion and give program details for businesses.

Ms. Wivell has been a Procurement Specialist since 2013 and has helped hundreds of businesses with their government contracting efforts. She has provided guidance on creating Capability Statements, doing market research and planning as well as assisting with governmental registrations, certifications and requests for proposal reviews.

The Ohio University Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) is a sub-center of the State of Ohio Procurement Technical Assistance Program. The State PTAC program is a cooperative effort among Ohio Department of Development, U.S. Department of Defense and various local host organizations. This PTAC is hosted and supported by Ohio University. The mission of the PTAC program is to provide technical assistance to small businesses desiring to enter local, state and federal government markets, as a means to support economic development, and to foster the retention and creation of small business jobs. The State of Ohio PTAC program is one of 93 PTAC programs located throughout the United States.

Government at all levels purchases billions of dollars’ worth of products and services each year. The process of contracting with the government can be confusing and frustrating. The Ohio University Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) can be your guide.

Learn more about PTAC: https://ptac.ohio.edu/

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 885 2888 1265
Passcode: 215466

Dial in:
+1 929 205 6099

*No Registration Required. This is a FREE event.*

Submit your questions in advance to: chamber@parmaareachamber.org
(we will cover as many questions as we can)

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